Daniel Springs?
Get ready for an unforgettable summer experience at Daniel Springs Baptist Camp!
Our purpose is to provide a unique opportunity for all youth to connect with God and experience his presence through prayer, Bible study, small group activities, and recreation. Our program is designed to help you grow in your faith and equip you to do the work of your ministry, and our promise is to do everything in our power to bring you closer to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Located in Gary, Texas on 54 acres, our facilities include 19 air-conditioned cabins and 4 air-conditioned and heated dorms, as well as small tabernacles for group activities. Join us for a summer of growth, adventure, and fun as we discover what God has in store for us!
Established in
Great Summer Experience
Here’s what others are saying.
It’s been a blessing to see kids come to Christ it’s been a blessing to see churches grow, it’s been a blessing to see young leaders grow into youth leaders here.

I will come back next year because I feel like camp is a great experience to get to know God even more

Our Beliefs
We align with the BMA
Daniel Springs

Jason Prewitt

Jessica Prewitt
Office Manager/Bookkeeper